My translation of this book from the original languages is provided below. Everything inside brackets is commentary that is meant to assist the reader in understanding certain doctrines and concepts germaine to the context.


Hebrews 1:1 God, having long ago [during the theocentric dispensations of the Gentiles and Israel] spoken in many parts [OT books] and in various ways [illustrations, examples, promises, threats, types] to the fathers [patriarchs] by the prophets,


Hebrews 1:2 Has in the last of these days [dispensations of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age] spoken to us in the Son [Jesus Christ as Prophet], Whom He [the Father] appointed Heir over all things [heaven and earth: angels, mankind, and the rest of creation], through Whom [Jesus Christ as focal point of creation and history] He [the Father] also produced the ages [dispensations],


Hebrews 1:3 Who [as the Son of God] being the reflection of His [the Father’s] glory [deity] and the exact representation of His divine essence [humanity of Christ in hypostatic union], and upholding all things [including the so-called “laws of nature”] by the verbal expression of His inherent power [absolute sovereignty], after He had finished making purification [Jesus Christ as High Priest] for our [the elect only] sins [not just the imputed sin of Adam], sat down at the right hand side [session: Jesus Christ as King] of the Majesty on high [the Father].


Hebrews 1:4 By so much [His perseverance in suffering and obedience unto death, resulting in His victorious ascension and session], He became higher in rank over the angels [both elect and fallen], so much so that He obtained [inheritance-salvation] a more excellent name [reputation] than theirs.


Hebrews 1:5 For instance, to which of His [elect] angels did He [the Father] ever say: “You are My Son [eternal sonship], this day [virgin birth] I have begotten You [Jesus was born, not created like the angels]?” And again, “I will be as a Father [authority] to Him, and He [Jesus Christ] will be as a Son [obedience] to Me?”


Hebrews 1:6 Moreover, when He again [at the 2nd advent] brings His firstborn One [primogeniture of Jesus Christ] to the inhabited earth, He [the Father] will say, “Now, all the angels of God [the elect ones] will worship Him.”


Hebrews 1:7 Moreover, on the one hand [pointing to His Son], He [the Father] said facing the angels: “The One [Jesus Christ] who made His angels, spirits [their invisible, immaterial being], and His angelic ministers, a flame of fire [their function as servants],”


Hebrews 1:8 And on the other hand, facing the Son: “Your throne, Oh God [deity of Christ], will be from the age [Millennial] to the age [Perfect or Fulness of Times], and the sceptre [staff] of divine establishment [perfect standards] will be the sceptre of Your kingdom [His earthly kingdom extends from the beginning of the Millennium to the end of the Perfect Age].”


Hebrews 1:9 “You [Jesus Christ] have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness, therefore God [the Father] has anointed You [Jesus Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King] with the ceremonial oil of super-happiness [triumphant exultation] above Your partakers [elect angels and mature believers sharing in His glory].”


Hebrews 1:10 Moreover, Lord [Jesus Christ is called Lord by the Father for the benefit of the angels], “You, with reference to the beginnings, laid the foundation of the earth; even the heavens are the production of Your hands;”


Hebrews 1:11 “They themselves [the heavens] will perish [being incorruptible], but You [Jesus Christ] will continue permanently [being incorruptible]; in fact, they all [the heavens] will become obsolete [old and relatively useless] like a garment,”


Hebrews 1:12 “And like a cloak You [Jesus Christ] will fold them [the heavens] up [at the end of the millennium], just as a garment is also repeatedly exchanged; but You [Jesus Christ] will continue to be the same [immutability] and Your years [lifespan] will never come to an end [eternal life].”


Hebrews 1:13 Moreover, to which of the angels did He [the Father] at any time say face-to-face: “Sit down at My right hand side [session] while I place Your enemies [Satan, fallen angels, demonic host, unbelievers] a footstool [sign of conquest] for Your feet [reward for the travail of Your soul]?”


Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all [elect angels only] ministering spirits [invisible, immaterial nature of angels], being sent on a divine mission for the purpose of ministering [faithful service to mankind wherever God appoints them to go], for the benefit of those [winner believers] who are about to inherit salvation [victorious participation with Christ in his future kingdom rule as a reward for their obedience on earth]?


Hebrews 2:1 Because of this [if we want the assistance of ministering angels], we must ourselves [Paul included] pay particular attention to the things [Bible doctrines] which we have heard, so we [winner believers] won’t drift off course [become distracted from the spiritual life by Satan’s cosmic system].


Hebrews 2:2 For if the doctrine [Mosaic Law] which was spoken through the angels became certain [legally binding], and each transgression [violation of the law] and disobedience [unwillingness to be taught] received a deserved penalty [just retribution],


Hebrews 2:3 By what means shall we escape [avoid divine discipline], having disregarded [neglected] so mighty a salvation, which [inheritance-salvation], having been received in the beginning through the spoken words of the Lord [during the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union], has been confirmed to us [during the Church Age dispensation] by those [disciples] who heard [eye witnesses],


Hebrews 2:4 Testifying at the same time about God, by both signs [warning a nation about its spiritual need] and wonders [attract attention to Christ], and by various powers [supernatural resources used by the disciples and apostles], and by distributions [spiritual gifts] from the Holy Spirit according to His sovereign will?


Hebrews 2:5 For He did not place the inhabited earth which will come [during the millennium] under the authority of angels, concerning those [ministering spirits for those who inherit salvation] we have been discussing.


Hebrews 2:6 Moreover, someone [David], somewhere [in Psalm 8:4-6], testified, saying: “What is man that You Yourself [God the Father] are constantly concerned for him, or the Son of man [Jesus Christ] that You keep on overseeing Him?”


Hebrews 2:7 “You made him [mankind] for a brief time inferior to angels. You crowned him [Adam as 1st ruler of the earth] with glory and honor.


Hebrews 2:8 You [the Father] have subordinated all things under his [man’s] feet.” So, due to the fact that He [the Father] has subordinated all things, He [the Father] left nothing [in eternity future] that will not be subordinated to Him [Jesus Christ]. But now [during the Church Age], we do not see all things subordinated to him [man lost his dominion over the earth in the Garden, but Jesus Christ will eventually return it to him during the Millennium].


Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, Who was made inferior to angels for a brief time, Who, because of His suffering unto death [both spiritual & physical], was crowned [Cross before the Crown] with glory and honor [celebrityship], for the purpose of tasting death [both spiritual & physical] on behalf of every kind [Jews-Gentiles, male-female, slave-free, rich-poor] by the grace of God.


Hebrews 2:10 Moreover [in addition to the positional aspect of Christ’s ministry], it was fitting for Him [God the Father], for Whom all things and by Whom all things exist [as Creator], for the purpose of guiding many sons [believers who have cracked the maturity barrier] unto glory [ultra-supergrace life], to bring the prototype [Originator] of their salvation [sanctification-salvation] to maturity through sufferings [testing for blessing].


Hebrews 2:11 Moreover, both He [Jesus Christ] Who is sanctified [has already attained maturity in the past] and those [growing believers] who are continually being sanctified [are on the road to maturity] are all of one accord [united in purpose], for which reason [the maturing believer is striving for that same glory that Jesus already possesses], He [Jesus Christ] is not ashamed to call them [believers on the road to maturity] brethren [reversionistic believers are still considered brethren, but He is ashamed to introduce them as such],


Hebrews 2:12 Who said [in Psalm 22]: “I will introduce your name [the believer who reaches spiritual maturity] to My brethren [inner circle of winner believers]; I will sing a song of praise about you [the believer who reaches spiritual maturity] in the midst of the assembly [an awards presentation featuring His inner circle of friends].”


Hebrews 2:13 And furthermore [in Isaiah 8:17-18]: “I Myself [Jesus Christ] will place My confidence [conferring a position of leadership and responsibility] upon him [the winner believer who has just received a song of praise from the Lord],” and again, “Behold, I Myself [Jesus Christ] and the children [spiritually immature believers] whom God [the Father] has given to Me [in eternity past].”


Hebrews 2:14 Since, therefore, the children [spiritually immature believers] share the essence of [their humanity] blood [spiritual death] and flesh [physical death], He Himself [Jesus Christ] also, in the same manner, partook of the same [deity took on humanity], so that through spiritual death He might render powerless the one [Satan] who holds the ruling power of spiritual death, that is, the devil,


Hebrews 2:15 And might release [free from Satan’s kingdom] those [legalistic Christians], who by means of fear from the source of spiritual death [separated from God], were all continually living a life of slavery [living by the law instead of grace is bondage].


Hebrews 2:16 As a matter of fact, of course, He [Jesus Christ] did not assume the nature of angels, but He assumed the nature of the seed of Abraham [humanity],


Hebrews 2:17 From which fact [that He was more interested in humanity than angels], He [Jesus Christ] made it a preference to be made similar to the standards of His brethren [humanity], so that He might become the merciful and faithful High Priest with reference to things [spiritual matters] pertaining to God, so that He might be a propitiatory conciliation for the sins of people [humans as opposed to angels].


Hebrews 2:18 Since He Himself suffered, having been tested in that sphere [in His humanity], He keeps on being able [as our High Priest] to assist those who are being tested [restoring fellowship between the Father and the confessing believer].


Hebrews 3:1 For this reason [because we have a High Priest Who can assist us], holy brethren [winner believers in His inner circle], partakers [supergrace believers] of a heavenly [highly spiritual] station in life [experiential relationship with God], concentrate on the Ambassador, even High Priest [celebrityship of Christ] of our confession: Jesus [emphasizing His humanity],


Hebrews 3:2 Who [Jesus Christ as celebrity] has always been faithful to the One [God the Father] Who appointed Him, just as Moses [as a type of Christ] also was to all His house [Israel].


Hebrews 3:3 However, this One [Jesus Christ] is considered worthy of more abundant glory [unique celebrityship is higher than hero-ship] than Moses, to the degree that He Who constructs it [Jesus Christ] possesses greater honor than the house [Jesus Christ designed, created and furnished the dispensation in which Moses was a hero],


Hebrews 3:4 For every house [dispensation, people, protocol] is furnished by someone [Moses in the dispensation of Israel, Jesus Christ in the Church Age dispensation], but He [Jesus Christ] Who constructed all things [dispensations and everything else] is God.


Hebrews 3:5 On the one hand, Moses was indeed faithful in all his house [Israel] as a noble servant [supergrace hero], for evidence regarding the things [supergrace activity] which are about to be communicated,


Hebrews 3:6 On the other hand, Christ continues to be faithful as an adult son [higher status than a noble servant] over His house [royal family of God], Whose spiritual house [as opposed to carnal house] we are [successful members of], if we maintain our course [in the spiritual life] with courage [confidence in Bible doctrine] and boasting [in Christ] with expectation [while waiting for His return].


Hebrews 3:7 Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit said [in Psalm 95:8-11]: “Today, if you hear [grace apparatus for perception] His voice [Bible doctrine as the Word of God],


Hebrews 3:8 Do not begin to harden [with scar tissue] the mentality of your soul [reverse process reversionism], as in the bitter rebellion [Meribah revolution], during the day of the testing [Massah trial] in the wilderness,


Hebrews 3:9 Where your fathers [the Exodus generation] tried My patience by putting Me to the test [demanding miracles] and observed My production [logistical grace support] forty years.


Hebrews 3:10 Because of this [rebellion] I was provoked by this [Exodus] generation and said: They are continually being led astray [deluded as a result of their negative volition to doctrine] by the mentality of their soul [no epignosis doctrine]; as a matter of fact, they do not know [they don’t even possess gnosis] My ways [divine protocol for the dispensation of Israel],


Hebrews 3:11 So that [keeping with the fact of their continued rebellion] I swore a solemn oath in My anger: They shall not enter into My rest [possessing Canaan, the supergrace life].”


Hebrews 3:12 Beware [consider the consequences], brethren [members of the royal family], so there will not be in any of you a degenerate [totally depraved], unfaithful [rejects divine perspective] mentality of the soul [the mind is saturated with sin and evil instead of Bible doctrine], which results in apostasy from the living God [spiritual desertion],


Hebrews 3:13 But keep on encouraging each other [talking Bible doctrine] throughout every day, as long as today lasts [our allotted time on earth], so that none of you may begin to be hardened [scar tissue of the soul] through the strong delusion of sin [it appears harmless],


Hebrews 3:14 For we became in the past and may continue to be partakers of Christ [partners in the supergrace life], if we maintain a steady course from the original undertaking [first signs of positive volition] to the point of maturity [completion of sanctification-salvation],


Hebrews 3:15 Concerning which [steering towards maturity and away from rebellion] it has been said before [in Psalm 95]: “Today [while you are still alive], if you hear His voice [Bible doctrine as the Word of God], do not harden the mentality of your souls [negative volition] as during the revolution [the Exodus generation’s wanderings due to reversionism].”


Hebrews 3:16 For who, after they heard, revolted [rebelled against the Lord]? Point of fact: did not the vast majority [all but five people] who came out from Egypt by Moses?


Hebrews 3:17 And with whom was He provoked forty years [during the wilderness wanderings]? Wasn’t it with those [nearly 2-million Israelites] who missed the mark [sin of rebellion], with those whose corpses fell in the desert [sin unto death]?


Hebrews 3:18 And to whom [the same reversionists] did He swear an oath that they should not enter into His rest [Canaan as a type of the supergrace life], except to those who were obstinate?


Hebrews 3:19 As a result, we see that they [reversionists in the Exodus generation] were not able to enter in [to the land of Canaan: the supergrace life] because of unfaithfulness [rejection of God’s Word and protocol plan for Israel].


Hebrews 4:1 Therefore, let us be concerned [out of fear and respect], that having been left with the promise [unclaimed] of entering into His rest [rest of faithfulness and obedience], some of you might be inclined through subjective thinking [erroneous over-assessment of one’s spiritual status] to come short of it [fail to reach the goal because you quit before you were finished].


Hebrews 4:2 For we [growing believers] also reside, having ourselves heard the good news [teaching on inheritance-salvation], just as they also [the Exodus generation], but the Word of hearing [Bible doctrine taught by Moses] did not profit them [fell on deaf ears], because it was not united with faith [doctrine builds upon doctrine to create a system, structure or edification complex] by those who heard [negative volition prevented the doctrinal system from being constructed in the mentality of the soul].


Hebrews 4:3 Certainly, we [growing believers who are fulfilling their priestly function] who have been faithful [consistent doctrinal inculcation], will enter into His rest [the supergrace life as a precursor to full inheritance-salvation], quite different from what He said [in Psalm 95]: “Even as I swore an oath in My disgust, They [the Exodus generation] shall not enter into My rest [no inheritance-salvation],” and yet these works [supergrace blessings and the inheritance] were brought into existence from the foundation of the world.


Hebrews 4:4 For He said elsewhere [in Gen. 2:2] concerning the seventh [day] in this manner: Then God rested on the seventh day from all His production [refashioning the earth after tohu wah bohu],


Hebrews 4:5 And again in this place [Psalm 95:11]: “They shall not enter into My rest.”


Hebrews 4:6 Therefore, it still remains [uncompleted task] for some [those who faithfully persevere in any generation] to enter into that [rest: supergrace life], since those [Exodus generation] who were the first to hear the good news did not enter in [failed to enter Canaan, did not obtain the rest of supergrace] because of obstinancy [disobedience].


Hebrews 4:7 Again, He continues to determine [set apart for every generation] a specific period of time, today [the time allotted to every believer to attain supergrace status], stating in [various psalms of] David after a lapse of time [following the time of Moses and Joshua], just as it was stated before [in Psalm 95]: “Today [available at any time as long as you are still alive], if you hear His voice [the Spirit speaking to you in the Word of God], Do not harden the mentality of your souls [negative volition towards Bible doctrine].”


Hebrews 4:8 Moreover, if Joshua had brought them into rest [by taking the land of Canaan], then [contrary to the facts] he would not have spoken with them on many occasions concerning another [of a different time period] day [it took three generations to complete the task].


Hebrews 4:9 Therefore, there remains [the opportunity exists for every generation] a sabbath-rest [supergrace life] for the people of God [faithful believers].


Hebrews 4:10 Moreover, he [the mature believer] who has entered into His rest [the supergrace life] has also rested from his production [you don’t have to work to obtain blessing] as God rested from His own [after the refashioning of planet earth].


Hebrews 4:11 Let us [positive believers], therefore, start being diligent to enter into this rest, so that no one may begin falling [drift off course] after the same example of disobedience [reversionism of the Exodus generation].


Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God [Bible doctrine] keeps on being alive and inherently powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword [most effective weapon of its day] and is piercing [like the point of a fencing foil] even to the point of dividing the soul and the spirit [only Bible doctrine can do this], both the joints and the marrow, and is a quick discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the mentality of the soul.


Hebrews 4:13 Furthermore, there is no creature hidden before Him [divine omniscience], but rather all things are naked, even being exposed to His eyes, in the presence of Whom we will receive our reckoning [evaluation at the Judgment Seat of Christ].


Hebrews 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great High Priest [session: at the right hand of the Father] Who has passed through the heavens [His ascension after the strategic victory on the cross], Jesus, the Son of God, let us keep on seizing the opportunity for confession [acknowledging our sins to the Father through the Son without going through a sacrificial system],


Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a High Priest who is not able to be touched [sympathetic suffering with us] by our weaknesses [limitations of our humanity], but having been tempted on all points [every imaginable category] in quite the same way [similar to what we face in our Christian life], apart from sin [impeccability].


Hebrews 4:16 Therefore, let us keep on approaching the throne of grace [through prayer] with confidence [in our High Priest, not ourselves], so that we may obtain mercy [compassionate forgiveness of sins and restoration to temporal fellowship] and may find grace [day-by-day discovery in the filling of the Spirit] during our time of need [spiritual support from the mentorship of the Holy Spirit].


Hebrews 5:1 You see, every high priest [from the first to the Last Adam], having been taken from among mankind [not angels], was appointed on behalf of men [His office was for the benefit of others, not himself] with reference to things pertaining to God, so that he might offer gifts [cereal] and offerings [animals] on behalf of sins [the equivalent of rebound],


Hebrews 5:2 Having the ability to control his emotions [objective restraint] towards those who are ignorant [without a system of Bible doctrine in the soul] and who are continually led astray [deceived and led into error due to bad judgment], because he also is encumbered [within and without] by weakness [spiritual failure].


Hebrews 5:3 Moreover, because of this [having weaknesses like everyone else], he is obligated to make an offering concerning sins [to restore fellowship], namely for the people, but likewise for himself.


Hebrews 5:4 Furthermore, one does not seize this honor [office of high priest] for himself, but rather when he is called by God, just as Aaron also was.


Hebrews 5:5 In the same manner, Christ also did not glorify Himself [He was not self-appointed or self-annointed] for the purpose of becoming a High Priest [no place for inordinate ambition], but One [the Father] spoke beforehand [in Psalm 2:7] face-to-face with Him: “You are My Son; this very day I have begotten You [become your Father].”


Hebrews 5:6 Likewise, He [God the Father] also said in another place [Psalm 110:4]: “You are a priest unto the age [Kingdom of the Son of Man] of the same kind as Melchisedek [vastly superior to the Levitical priesthood],”


Hebrews 5:7 Who [Jesus Christ] in the days of His flesh [dispensation of the hypostatic union], having offered [on the Cross] both prayers and supplications [some intercessory, some to request the resurrection] with an intense scream and tears, face-to-face with the One [God the Father] Who had and continues to have the power to deliver Him out of death [resurrection], and was heard [His prayer was answered by the Father] because of His respect for the authority of God.


Hebrews 5:8 Although He [Jesus Christ] was the Son [deity], He learned obedience by the things which He suffered [in His humanity],


Hebrews 5:9 And after He completed the goal [being matured by obedience and suffering], He [Jesus Christ] became the Source of eternal [inheritance] salvation to all those who continue to obey Him [reigning as servant kings during the millennium is conditioned on obedience],


Hebrews 5:10 Being previously designated by God [the Father] a High Priest according to the order of Melchisedek,


Hebrews 5:11 Concerning whom [Melchisedek] many doctrines could be communicated to you, but they are hard to explain, since you have become dull [sluggish, apathetic, and stupid] of hearing [negative volition towards Bible doctrine].


Hebrews 5:12 For when you ought to be communicators [teaching divine viewpoint] due to the lapse of time [that you have already logged on earth as believers], you [reversionists] require someone [pastor-teacher] to teach you again elementary things, basic precepts [doctrinal ABC’s] from God, and have become [in your reversionism] ones having need for milk [basic doctrine], and not solid food [advanced doctrine].


Hebrews 5:13 Moreover, each person [reversonistic believer] who drinks milk [a meager diet of the basics] is ignorant of doctrine pertaining to righteousness [God’s protocol plan for attaining maturity], because he is immature [perpetual spiritual infancy],


Hebrews 5:14 But solid food [advanced doctrine] is for the mature [supergrace believers], those who, because of practice [spiritual self-discipline], keep on having their perceptive faculties [ability to concentrate on doctrine] thoroughly exercised [spiritual discipline] for the purpose of discerning between good and evil [life in the divine system compared to life in the cosmic system].


Hebrews 6:1 Therefore, having abandoned the elementary doctrine about Christ [Christology in the OT and synoptic gospels], let us advance towards maturity [learning advanced doctrines in the epistles], not laying down again the [kingdom] foundation: (a) of a change of mind away from dead works [clinging to the Mosaic Law and Judaistic rituals], and (b) of faith toward God [waiting for the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant],


Hebrews 6:2 (c) the doctrine of washings [ceremonial ablutions of Judaism], and (d) the laying on of hands [used in Jewish sacrificial rituals when confessing sins], and (e) the resurrection of the dead [OT saints awaken and possess the earthly Davidic kingdom], and (f) eternal judgment [Messiah ruling and executing justice on David’s earthly throne].


Hebrews 6:3 Moreover, this [advance toward maturity] we will do [ultimate goal of reversion recovery], if God permits [if you live long enough to complete your recovery].


Hebrews 6:4 For it is impossible for those [a particular category of legalistic reversionists] who once received illumination [when the sovereignty of God effectively applied the gospel to their souls in efficacious grace], as well as having begun to taste for themselves [developing a relationship with] the gracious gift from heaven [Jesus Christ], and having been made partners with the Holy Spirit [through the baptism and sealing ministries of the Spirit],


Hebrews 6:5 And having begun to taste for themselves [doctrinal inculcation] the good Word of God, as well as the powers [miracles during the transitional period of the early church] of the age which is destined to come [the Millennium],


Hebrews 6:6 But afterwards going astray [defecting from Church Age protocol and pursuing Judaism], to be restored again [reversion recovery] to repentance [confession of sin, changing one’s legalistic lifestyle, and returning to grace protocol], because they are continually crucifying the Son of God [by placing themselves back under the Levitical priesthood] and are continually holding Him up to contempt [pursuing the shadows rather than the reality of Christ].


Hebrews 6:7 For the ground [lifestyle of the supergrace Christian] which has absorbed the rain [doctrinal inculcation] which has frequently come upon it [daily habit], and which brings forth suitable vegetation [divine good] for the benefit of those whom also it has been cultivated [the supergrace believer shares what he has learned with others], receives its share of blessing from God [supergrace prosperity],


Hebrews 6:8 But if it [the ground: believer] bears thorns and thistles [dead works, human good], it is worthless [the unsuitable crop is rejected] and close to infertile [one step above no vegetation at all], which end is scorching [burning of wood, hay & stubble at the Judgment Seat of Christ].


Hebrews 6:9 But concerning you [pastors and teachers in Paul’s remote, non-resident congregations], beloved, we are convinced of more advantageous things [abundant fruit rather than dead works], namely those which accompany salvation [inheritance-salvation], even though we communicate in this manner [warning you about dead works],


Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to disregard your production [directed toward pastors and teachers who minister the Word] and the virtue love which you have demonstrated toward His Person [Jesus Christ] by beginning to minister to the saints [they completed their training program and had begun to start teaching] and by continuing to minister [they didn’t give up when things got tough]. 


Hebrews 6:11 Moreover, we [apostles and pastors] desire that each one of you [believers] demonstrate the same diligence [devotion to the Word of God], toward a full measure of spiritual understanding [spiritual self-esteem], with confidence [spiritual autonomy], unto completion [spiritual maturity],


Hebrews 6:12 So that you may not become sluggish in thought [neglecting Bible doctrine], but rather imitators of those [OT supergrace heroes], who by means of doctrine and steadfastness, obtain the promises [inheritance-salvation].


Hebrews 6:13 For when God Himself promised to Abraham, since He had nobody greater to swear an oath by, He swore an oath [unconditional promise] on the basis of Himself,


Hebrews 6:14 When He was saying: Indeed [affirming an oath], I will bless you by means of continual blessing [sexual blessing] and I will multiply you by means of continual multiplication [father of a new race: Israel].


Hebrews 6:15 And without further ado, having waited patiently [reference to the faith-rest drill], he obtained the promise [God was true to His word].


Hebrews 6:16 For men customarily swear an oath on the basis of a greater [usually God], and for each type of dispute of theirs, the oath is the surety [conclusion] for the guarantee [legal bond],


Hebrews 6:17 Concerning which [reference to man’s oath], desiring to demonstrate to a much greater degree to the heirs of the promise the immutability of His divine will, acted as the Surety [guarantee] with an oath [unconditional covenant],


Hebrews 6:18 So that, by means of two immutable things [the promise and the oath], in which it is impossible for God Himself to lie, we might keep on having strong encouragement when we take refuge [in Christ and His Word], to apprehend the confidence which has been set before us [reach the objective of supergrace],


Hebrews 6:19 Which [confidence] we may possess as an anchor for the soul, both stabilized and dependable, even to the point of entering into that [confident supergrace life] which is inside the veil [Holy of Holies],


Hebrews 6:20 Where Jesus, the Forerunner [pointman], entered on our behalf [strategic victory], having become a High Priest [at the right hand of the Father] unto the age [Kingdom of the Son of Man] according to the battalion of Melchizedek.


Hebrews 7:1 Moreover, this [previously mentioned] Melchisedek, king [royalty] of Salem, priest [Gentile] of the Most High God, the one who had met Abraham as he was returning from the slaughter [defeat] of the kings and had subsequently blessed him [gave him bread & wine and shared doctrine with him],


Hebrews 7:2 To whom [Melchisedek] also Abraham distributed a tenth of everything [10% tribute income tax on the booty], (first, on the one hand [his name], being interpreted: king of righteousness, and second, on the other hand [his title], king of Salem, which means: king of peace, 


Hebrews 7:3 Without paternal descent [didn’t inherit his throne from his father], without maternal descent [didn’t inherit his throne from his mother], without a genealogical record [not on record anywhere], having neither beginning of days [no birth certificate] nor end of life [no death certificate], but was made a pattern for the Son of God [Jesus Christ] Who will remain a priest for all time).


Hebrews 7:4 Now then, consider how great this person [Melchisedek] was, to whom even Abraham, the patriarch [future father of the nation Israel], gave a tenth of the best booty [as tribute income tax].


Hebrews 7:5 However, they [the Levitical priesthood also served as tax collectors for Israel], on the one hand, from the sons of Levi [geneaological requirement for the office], who have received the priestly office [it was conferred upon them when they became adults], preserve the mandate [tax laws] to collect taxes from the people according to the law [the Mosaic Law authorized this function], that is, from their brethren [fellow citizens], even though they [who are taxed] had come out from the loins [descendants] of Abraham [everyone paid taxes regardless of tribe];


Hebrews 7:6 On the other hand, he [Melchisedek] who had no genealogical record from them [not related to the Levitical priesthood], collected taxes from Abraham, and provided benefits [rights and privileges of citizenship in Salem] to him [Abraham] who possessed the promises.


Hebrews 7:7 Consequently, without any contradiction [no disputes or hostility between them], the inferior [Abraham] is provided benefits by the superior [Melchisedek].


Hebrews 7:8 And so, on the one hand, under these circumstances, men [the Levitical priesthood] who will die [mortals], are receiving a ten percent tax; on the other hand, in that place [Psalm 110], he [Melchisedek] has been testified of because He [Jesus Christ] lives [death does not terminate the royal priesthood].


Hebrews 7:9 Also, to say it in another way [one might almost say]: through Abraham [he was also paying taxes for the Levites], even Levi, who collected taxes, paid taxes [the superiority of the Melchisedek priesthood again emphasized over the Levitical priesthood],


Hebrews 7:10 For he [Levi] was still in the genitalia of his ancestor [an unborn descendant] when Melchisedek encountered him [Abraham]. 


Hebrews 7:11 Now, if maturity was available through the Levitical priesthood – for on the basis of it the people [the elect nation of Israel] received the law – what further need would there be for another of a different category of priest [royal] according to the battalion of Melchisedek to arise [become activated due to a dispensational change] and not be maintained according to the battalion of Aaron [the Levitical priesthood was deactivated along with the Mosaic Law]?


Hebrews 7:12 Therefore, since the priestly office was changed [from Levitical to Melchisedek], out of necessity there also must occur a transformation of the ruling principle [the office and its function are a package deal].


Hebrews 7:13 Moreover, He [Jesus Christ] to Whom these things [doctrines of the royal priesthood and His royal family] are being addressed, belongs to another of a different category of tribe [kingly tribe of Judah, not the priestly tribe of Levi], from which [royal tribe] no one officiates at an altar [rules out any system of intermediaries].


Hebrews 7:14 For it is well known that our Lord descended from Judah [royal, kingly tribe], about which tribe, Moses communicated nothing concerning priests.


Hebrews 7:15 Moreover, it is even more evident, since in the same way as Melchisedek [similar order], there arose another of a different kind of priest [royalty by birth],


Hebrews 7:16 Who [Jesus Christ] has become a priest, not according to the law [Mosaic] of physical requirements [Levitical purity laws applied to men from the tribe of Levi], but according to the inherent power of indestructible life [freedom from death],


Hebrews 7:17 For it has been testified [in Scripture] that: You and only You [Jesus Christ] will be a priest unto the age [Kingdom of the Son of Man] according to the battalion of Melchisedek.


Hebrews 7:18 For on the one hand, there came to pass an annulment [removal] of the commandment [Mosaic Law] which was previously issued because of its powerless nature [it covered sin rather than taking it away & it could not give life] and uselessness [it authorized a now obsolete priesthood],


Hebrews 7:19 For the law could bring nothing to maturity [cannot assist a believer to grow in grace]; on the other hand, there is a more useful [preferable], compelling prospect [opportunity], through which [royal priesthood of the believer] we may continually approach God.


Hebrews 7:20 And in as much as not without the taking of an oath, (for on the one hand [during the dispensation of Israel], they [the Levitical priesthood] were priests who became so without the taking of an oath [they became priests through heritage],


Hebrews 7:21 But on the other hand, He [Jesus Christ], by taking an oath through the One [God the Father] Who spoke face-to-face with Him [during the conference on the divine decrees]), the Lord [God the Father] made a solemn oath and will not change His mind [immutability]: You and only You [Jesus Christ] will be a priest unto the age [Kingdom of the Son of Man].


Hebrews 7:22 By so much [doctrinal evidence, including an oath from the Father], indeed, Jesus became the guarantee of a much better covenant [unconditional].


Hebrews 7:23 Moreover, on the one hand, they [the Levitical priesthood] were many in number who became priests, because they were prevented from continuing [their priestly functions] by means of death,


Hebrews 7:24 But He [Jesus Christ], on the other hand, because He abides [due to the resurrection] unto the age [Kingdom of the Son of Man], possesses His [royal] priesthood unchangeable [non-transferrable].


Hebrews 7:25 From which fact, He [Jesus Christ] is also able to keep on saving [sanctification salvation] for all time those [Church Age believers] who continue to approach [confession of sin by prayer] God [the Father] through Him [Jesus Christ as our High Priest], Who keeps on living [eternal priesthood] for the purpose of making intercession [between the confessing believer and the Father] on their behalf.


Hebrews 7:26 For such a high priest as this [Jesus Christ] was appropriate for us [a royal family requires a royal priest]: pleasing to God [having great integrity], without guile [free from mental or verbal sins], undefiled [clear thinking], having been separated [due to His resurrection and ascension] from sinners [impeccability], even becoming more elevated than the heavens [seated at the right hand of the Father],


Hebrews 7:27 Who [Jesus Christ] does not have the daily necessity, such as those [Levitical] high priests, to keep offering sacrifices, first on behalf of his own sins [the Levitical priest had to be in fellowship with God before he offered sacrifices for his people], then for His [the Father’s] people; for He [Jesus Christ] accomplished this at one time [on the Cross] when He offered up Himself.


Hebrews 7:28 For the [Mosaic] law authorized men [Levites] as high priests, although they possessed weakness [the old sin nature], but the word of His [the Father’s] solemn oath taking, which came after the law, authorized the Son, Who will remain absolutely perfect [impeccability] unto the age [Kingdom of the Son of Man].


Hebrews 8:1 Now, the main point about the things which we have been communicating is: We [Christians] continue to have the category of high priest, Who has sat down [strategic victory] at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty [God Almighty] in the heavens,


Hebrews 8:2 The Minister of the holy places [legitimate authority serving His people], even the true tabernacle [humanity of Christ], which the Lord [Jesus Christ] pitched, not man.


Hebrews 8:3 Since each [Levitical] high priest was appointed [after the death of a former high priest] to offer both gifts [agricultural] and sacrifices [animal], therefore necessity has [requires] it that He [Jesus Christ] should offer something also.


Hebrews 8:4 To be sure, if He was on the earth, then He [Jesus Christ] could not be a priest [not being from the tribe of Levi] while there were those [Levitical priests] who continued to offer gifts [food offerings] according to the law.


Hebrews 8:5 Who [the Levitical priests] continued to worship [carry out their religious duties] a pattern, even a shadow of heavenly things, since Moses was warned [divine instruction] when he was preparing to construct the tabernacle, for He [God the Father] said: Make sure you build everything according to the pattern [blueprint] which was revealed to you on the mountain [Sinai].


Hebrews 8:6 But now, He [Jesus Christ] has obtained a more excellent ministry [heavenly as opposed to earthly], in as much as He is also the Mediator of a much better covenant [authority to rule as King-Priest rather than Aaronic priest], which was enacted upon much better promises [unconditional rather than conditional].


Hebrews 8:7 For if the first one [covenant of Mosaic Law to Israel] had been sufficient, then a place would not have been required for a second [new covenant to Israel],


Hebrews 8:8 For when He [God the Father] found fault with it [the conditional first covenant], He said [in Jeremiah 31:31-34]: “Behold, the day [beginning of the millennium] is approaching, said the Lord, when I will bring [at the 2nd advent] a new [unconditional] covenant to completion to the house of Israel [northern kingdom] and to the house of Judah [southern kingdom],


Hebrews 8:9 Not similar to the covenant [Mosaic Law] which I made with their ancestors, on the day [time of the Exodus] when I took them [Jewish slaves] by their hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt. Since they did not continue [persevere] in My covenant [conditional], I for My part disregarded them [allowed them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years as part of the 5th cycle of discipline], said the Lord.”


Hebrews 8:10 For this is the covenant [new] which I will confer upon the house of Israel after those days [when the Church Age and Jacob’s Trouble have passed], said the Lord, for I will impart [without intermediaries] My laws for the purpose of their thinking, even upon the mentality of their souls I will engrave them [doctrinal infusion], and I will become their God, and they will become My people;


Hebrews 8:11 Also, each person shall stop teaching his fellow citizen [no external instruction during the millennium], and each person his brother [close friend], by saying: “Know the Lord,” because [in the perfect environment of the millennium] all categories of people [no class distinction] shall know Me, from the least unto the greatest of them [no such thing as equality during the millennium],


Hebrews 8:12 Because I will be gracious towards their unrighteousnesses, and I will not remember their sins anymore,


Hebrews 8:13 Concerning which it was said before: He [God the Father] rendered obsolete the first [covenant of Mosaic Law] by means of the new [covenant to Israel]; therefore, that [covenant of Mosaic Law] which has been rendered obsolete and which has grown old is near destruction [disappeared forever after Christ fulfilled its demands on the Cross].


Hebrews 9:1 To be sure, therefore, even the first [Mosaic Law covenant] had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary,


Hebrews 9:2 For the first tabernacle was constructed, inside of which was the lampstand [Christ as the living Word] and the table [Christ as the written Word] and the presentation of the breads [12 loaves representing the 12 tribes of Israel], which was designated the Holy Place,


Hebrews 9:3 And behind the second curtain, the large tent which was designated the Holy of Holies,


Hebrews 9:4 Having the golden altar of incense [intercession and fellowship], and the ark of the covenant [made of acacia wood] which was overlaid [plated] on all sides with gold [deity], inside of which a golden urn existed which held the manna [Bread of Life], and Aaron’s rod which budded, and the tables [tablets] of the covenant [the 10 commandments of the Mosaic Law],


Hebrews 9:5 And above it [the ark of the covenant]: the Cherubim of glory which overshadowed the mercy-seat [place of propitiation], concerning which things we are not going to speak about in detail at this present time.


Hebrews 9:6 Now, after these things were appropriately prepared, then the priests repeatedly entered into the first large tent [the Holy Place], performing ceremonial rites [sacred duties],


Hebrews 9:7 But the high priest alone entered beyond the second [curtain: into the Holy of Holies], once a year [Day of Atonement], never without blood [representing the saving work of Christ], which he offered on behalf of himself and the unknown sins of the people [Israel],


Hebrews 9:8 This [sin offering] being revealed by the Holy Spirit, because the entrance [Jesus Christ] through the Holy Place could not yet [since the time for His work on earth had not arrived] be revealed [it was still a mystery] as long as the first tabernacle [earthly tent] still had existence,


Hebrews 9:9 Which [earthly tabernacle] was a type during the dispensation which was then present [Israel], according to which [type] both gifts and sacrifices [Levitical offerings] were offered which were not [weakness of ritual], with reference to the conscience [norms and standards of the soul are not touched by shadows], able to bring to maturity [supergrace] the one who made it a practice to worship [ceremonial purification only],


Hebrews 9:10 Being only [due to their inherent limitations] regulations pertaining to the body [hygiene], along with solid food [meat & manna] and liquids and different kinds of washings, which were imposed until the dispensation of the new order [Church Age].


Hebrews 9:11 But Christ, making a public appearance [at the 1st advent] as the High Priest of good things which were to come, by means of a greater and more perfect tabernacle [the one in heaven], not made by human hands, that is, not from this order of creation [from the 3rd heaven, not earth],


Hebrews 9:12 Nor [like the Levitical priests] through the blood of goats and young bulls, but by means of His Own blood [pregnant verbal symbol for the saving work of Christ], entered into the Holy of Holies one time only [as opposed to the endless repetition of the Levitical priesthood], having obtained [secured for a particular people] eternal redemption [a completed work for a particular chosen people, not a hypothetical provision for an uncertain blob of humanity].


Hebrews 9:13 For you see, if the blood [literal animal] of goats [salvation offering] and bulls [rebound offering], and the ashes of a heifer which was sprinkled upon those who were ceremonially defiled, kept purifying them with reference to the ceremonial cleansing of the flesh,


Hebrews 9:14 How much more [reality is much greater than the shadows] may the blood of Christ [representative analogy for the saving work of Christ], Who through the eternal spirit [the essence of Christ’s own spirit] offered Himself [in contrast with animals], without blemish [as opposed to the defilement of those He represented] to God [the Father], keep on cleansing [depends on the believer’s confession of sin] your conscience [experiential sanctification] from dead works [human plans or activities done without the filling of the Spirit], so that you might keep on serving [priestly function of the believer] the God Who is living [Christ as the resurrected sacrificial offering].


Hebrews 9:15 In addition [to His work on the Cross for the Church], because of this [ultimate sacrifice], He [Jesus Christ] is the Mediator of a new covenant [with the nation Israel], in order that those who have been called [elect Israel] will receive the promised eternal [national] inheritance, now that a death has taken place [Christ’s spiritual death] for the redemption of the transgressions against the first covenant [Mosaic Law].


Hebrews 9:16 For where a last will and testament exists [comparing the new covenant to a will], necessity requires the death of the One [Testator] who made the last will and testament [Jesus Christ],


Hebrews 9:17 For a last will and testament is secured [validated] upon the deaths [spiritual and physical], since it is not valid while the One [Testator] who made the last will and testament [Jesus Christ] continues to live.


Hebrews 9:18 From which fact, neither was the first [Mosaic covenant] inaugurated without blood [the saving work of Christ was portrayed by the animal sacrifices],


Hebrews 9:19 For after each commandment had been spoken by Moses to each person [Israelites only] according to the law, then he took the blood of young bulls and goats, along with water and scarlet-dyed wool and hyssop, and he sprinkled both the book itself [Mosaic Law] and each person [each individual had to be present for this ritual, it was not performed ‘en masse’ for an indefinite blob of humanity],


Hebrews 9:20 Reciting over-and-over again [saying to each individual Jew when they were being sprinkled]: This is the blood of the last will and testament which God Himself decreed to you.


Hebrews 9:21 Moreover, both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ritual service he sprinkled with blood in the same manner [he didn’t fling the blood indiscriminately toward the vessels in the tabernacle letting it land where it may].


Hebrews 9:22 As a matter of fact, according to the law, almost everything is cleansed by animal blood [expiatory sacrifice]; indeed, without the shedding of animal blood, there is no remission [covering of sin].


Hebrews 9:23 Therefore, on the one hand, it was necessary [a requirement] for the copies [shadows] of the things in the heavens to be repeatedly cleansed by these things [animal blood, water and hyssop], but on the other hand, heavenly things require better sacrifices [both spiritual and physical] than these [animal].


Hebrews 9:24 For Christ did not enter into a Holy of Holies made by human hands, an antitype [copy] of the true one, but into heaven itself, now [after His ascension] to appear [as priestly intercessor] in the presence of God [the Father] on our behalf [mediatorship],


Hebrews 9:25 Nor so that He [Jesus Christ] should offer Himself on a frequent basis, like the high priest who made it a practice to enter into the Holy of Holies each year [Day of Atonement] with alien [not one’s own: animal] blood,


Hebrews 9:26 For if that were true [but it’s not], He would have had to suffer many times from the foundation of the world. But now, once, at the conjunction of the ages [where the Age of Israel is interrupted and the Church Age begins], He was revealed for the abrogation [removal] of sin [Adam’s imputed sin] by means of the sacrifice of Himself.


Hebrews 9:27 Moreover, inasmuch as it was appointed for men [Levitical priests] to die once [physically], then, after this, judgment [manslayers allowed to return home from refuge],


Hebrews 9:28 In like manner, Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many [Jew and Gentile], shall appear a second time [2nd advent], (not to bear sin), for the deliverance of those [Jews of the dispersion living in refuge] who continue to eagerly await for Him [Israel is free to return to the promised land].


Hebrews 10:1 So the law, (which possessed a shadow of the good things which were to come [salvation], by means of those sacrifices which they [Levitical priests] kept on offering year-after-year [on the Day of Atonement], merely a representation of the event itself [Christ’s sacrificial death]), never had the power to bring to maturity those [legalistic adherents] who kept on approaching [the altar of sacrifice] uninterruptedly [some continued to rely on the law even after it was abrogated],


Hebrews 10:2 Otherwise, would not they have stopped being offered? For the ones who made it a practice to worship [at the altar of sacrifice], once they had been cleansed, would have had no more conscience of sins;


Hebrews 10:3 But in those [Levitical offerings], there was a remembrance of sins every year,


Hebrews 10:4 For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.


Hebrews 10:5 Therefore, when He [Jesus Christ] came into the world [incarnation], He said [as a baby in the cradle]: “Sacrifice and offering You [God the Father] did not want, so You prepared a body for Me [the body of Christ replaced the Levitial offerings];


Hebrews 10:6 You [God the Father] have no pleasure with regard to [are not propitiated by] whole burnt offerings for sin.”


Hebrews 10:7 At that time [when Jesus was still in the cradle] I said: “Behold, I have arrived,” as it is written concerning Me in the scroll of the book [Gen. 3:15], “to do Your will, Oh God.”


Hebrews 10:8 Then as I said previously [quoting Psalm 46 in verse 10:5]: “Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and other sacrifices concerning sin You [God the Father] did not want nor were pleased with [propitiated by], which were offered according to the law.”


Hebrews 10:9 Then [in the cradle] He said: “Behold, I have arrived to do Your will;” He abrogated the first [Mosaic Law sacrifice: legal sin offerings], so that He might establish the second [sacrifice of Christ: grace sin offering],


Hebrews 10:10 Through which will [that Jesus is the one sacrifice] we stand, having been sanctified [positionally] through the one time offering [as opposed to the repeated Levitical offerings] of the body of Jesus Christ.


Hebrews 10:11 Meanwhile, on the one hand, each priest stands [royalty sits down] day-after-day [the Israelites worshipped every day], worshipping and offering [this was a working priesthood as opposed to a resting priesthood] the same sacrifices again and again, which by their very nature [as animal sacrifices] never had the power [no spiritual ability] to make expiation for sins;


Hebrews 10:12 On the other hand, this One [Jesus Christ], after He offered one sacrifice [His spiritual death] on behalf of sins, sat down [session] for perpetuity [in contrast to the priests who were continually standing] at the right hand of God [place of power and authority],


Hebrews 10:13 From that moment forward [while in session] waiting with great expectation until His enemies [angelic] have been appointed a footstool for His feet [unconditional surrender during the Davidic kingdom on earth],


Hebrews 10:14 For by one unique offering, He brought to completion forever [glorification salvation] the ones [His elect] who have been set apart for His service [justification salvation].


Hebrews 10:15 Moreover, the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us [members of the royal family]. Then, afterwards [after the supreme Sacrifice] He [God the Father] said [addressing the nation Israel in Jeremiah 31]:


Hebrews 10:16 “This is the [new] covenant which I will ratify face-to-face with them [Israel in the Millennium] after those days [Jacob’s Trouble],” said the Lord, “when I will impart [absence of human volition] My laws upon the mentality of their souls, even upon their centers of spiritual intellect I will engrave them.


Hebrews 10:17 Furthermore, their [Israel’s] sins and lawlessnesses I will remember no longer [Israel will be restored from the 5th cycle of discipline].”


Hebrews 10:18 Now, where there is forgiveness [remission] of these [sins and lawlessnesses], there is no longer an offering [shadow sacrifice] for sin.


Hebrews 10:19 Since we have, therefore, brethren [members of the royal family], confident access into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus [representative analogy for His spiritual death] –


Hebrews 10:20 By the way which He dedicated for us [on the cross], new and living [Jesus is a living Sacrifice as opposed to a dead animal sacrifice], through the veil, which was His flesh,


Hebrews 10:21 Even an illustrious Priest [Jesus Christ] over the house of God –


Hebrews 10:22 Let us keep on approaching [fellowship with God] with a dependable mentality of the soul with a full measure of doctrine, having mentalities cleansed [sanctifying ministry of the Spirit after confession of sin] from an evil conscience [mental attitude sins] and having a body [person] washed with pure water [the believer is cleansed daily by the washing of the water of the Word of God].


Hebrews 10:23 Let us faithfully retain [positive volition in the face of pressure] the acknowledgement of our confident expectation [potential of obtaining supergrace] without wavering [not returning to a legalistic system], because faithful is the One [Jesus Christ] Who made the promise.


Hebrews 10:24 Also, let us keep on considering [by the application of Bible doctrine] one another of the same kind [fellow believers], for the purpose of encouragement [spiritual stimulation] from virtue love [relaxed mental attitude] and honorable production [divine good],


Hebrews 10:25 Not abandoning yourselves [giving up on Bible class] with reference to the spiritual life [you must have doctrine daily], like the habit of some [reversionists], but making it a practice to call for assistance [you need instruction in the Word of God], and the more the better [maximum doctrine in the soul], in as much as you see the day [rapture of the Church] approaching.


Hebrews 10:26 For if we make it a habit [lifestyle] to sin [presumptuous disobedience] without compulsion [deliberately, without confession], after possessing a full knowledge of the Truth [once saturated with Bible doctrine], no further offering [sacrificial protection] can be made to take away [remove] sins,


Hebrews 10:27 But instead a certain fearful expectation of judgment [divine discipline], even a fierceness of fire [sin unto death] which will definitely devour hostile persons [reversionists are enemies of God].


Hebrews 10:28 Someone [a believer living during the dispensation of Israel] who rejected the Mosaic Law occasionally died [capital punishment] without pity [emotion was ruled out when it came to violations of the law] on the testimony of two or three witnesses [laws of evidence]. 


Hebrews 10:29 How much worse discipline do you think he [the reversionist living during the millennium] will deserve, who has trampled under foot [treated with disdain] the Son of God [Who is present on His earthly throne], even considering the blood of the covenant [new covenant to Israel] by which he was sanctified of minor importance [unconcerned with his daily sins], meanwhile insulting the Spirit of grace [Who is continually implanting spiritual knowledge into his mind]?


Hebrews 10:30 For we know the One who said [in Deut. 32:35]: “Discipline [temporal punishment] is Mine, I will repay.” And again [in Deut. 32:36]: “The Lord [Jesus Christ] will judge [temporal chastening] His people.”


Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God [for the purpose of divine discipline].


Hebrews 10:32 Now please remember the former days [when the Jews left the sacrificial system and believed in Christ], in which after you were enlightened [made to understand the mystery], you endured a difficult struggle [from those who still embraced Judaism] with suffering:


Hebrews 10:33 Those [Jerusalem believers], on the one hand, who were publicly exposed [put to shame by adherents to Judaism] to both insults and afflictions, and on the other hand, those [other Jewish believers] who became partners with those [in Jerusalem] who were treated in this manner.


Hebrews 10:34 For to be sure, you sympathized with those in prison [visited persecuted believers], and accepted with a relaxed mental attitude [inner happiness] the confiscation [robbery] and disposal of your property, knowing that you hold within yourselves [Bible doctrine in the soul] a much better possession, indeed which keeps on abiding [Bible doctrine is the only thing you get to take to heaven with you].


Hebrews 10:35 Don’t cast away, therefore, your courage [outspokenness with reference to your conversion to Christianity from Judaism], which holds within itself a substantial reward [supergrace blessings in time and eternity],


Hebrews 10:36 For you continue to have need of steadfast endurance [persistence in the daily intake, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine], so that when you have accomplished the will [protocol plan] of God, you might carry off for yourselves [exploitation of the spiritual breakthrough] the promise [supergrace blessings in time and eternity].


Hebrews 10:37 Certainly, a little while longer still, and He [Jesus Christ] will return [at the rapture of the Church]; in fact, He will not linger [delay or take His time].


Hebrews 10:38 Now, the righteous one belonging to Me shall keep on living [maintaining a spiritual life] by means of doctrine. However, if he retreats [leaves doctrine behind], My soul will not delight in him [discipline instead of blessing].


Hebrews 10:39 However, we ourselves [positive believers associated with Paul] are not shrinking [retrogressing] towards discipline [divine chastening for reverse process reversionists], but towards the enrichment of the soul [spiritual growth] by means of doctrine.


Hebrews 11:1 In fact, doctrine [the content of our faith] is the reality [title deed] from which we continue to receive confident hope, the proof [inner conviction] of matters which cannot be seen [invisible spiritual realities],


Hebrews 11:2 For our ancestors [supergrace believers during OT times] were approved by the same [Bible doctrine].


Hebrews 11:3 By means of doctrine, we come to understand that the ages [dispensations] were put into operation [framed and put in motion] by the spoken word of God [an invisible essence], so that that [order and protocol of each dispensation] which is seen [on earth] has not come into existence from that [visible essence] which has an outward appearance [the sovereignty of God brought them into existence, not man].


Hebrews 11:4 By means of doctrine, Abel [the first antediluvian person to reach supergrace] offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which [sacrifice] he was certified to be righteous [supergrace status], being approved by God with respect to his gifts. Moreover, through it [the application of Bible doctrine represented by his sacrifice], although he died [was murdered by his brother], he still speaks [as the first monument to the importance of doctrine in the soul].


Hebrews 11:5 By means of doctrine, Enoch was transferred [conveyed to heaven] so that he would not experience death, therefore he was not found [no physical body] because God transferred [transported] him; for before his transference, he was declared to be well pleasing to God [he achieved supergrace maturity so quickly that the Lord brought him to heaven unexpectedly].


Hebrews 11:6 As a matter of fact, without doctrine [resident in the soul], it is impossible to please God, for when one approaches God [is occupied with Christ] he must understand [be convinced by the doctrine in the soul] that He is and will continue to be [by nature of His essence] a rewarder [supergrace blessings] of those who make it a practice to seek after Him [consistent intake, metabolization and application of Bible doctrine].


Hebrews 11:7 By means of doctrine, Noah, having been warned about things [termination of the antediluvian civilization by the flood] which had not yet been seen [had not yet happened in history], and possessing confidence [reverence for God’s warning], constructed an ark for the deliverance of his family [blessing by association], through which [construction of an ark because of doctrine in his soul] he [Noah] pronounced sentence on the world [God turned the course of history at that time around one man], and he [Noah] became an heir [inheritance salvation] to the [experiential, supergrace] righteousness pertaining to doctrine.


Hebrews 11:8 By means of doctrine, Abraham, when he was summoned to depart [from Ur of the Chaldees] to a place [towards Canaan] which he was destined [by utilizing the doctrine in his soul] to obtain for an inheritance [as part of the Abrahamic Covenant], listened carefully [to God’s instructions] and departed [application of doctrine], not knowing himself where he was going [he had no map or destination, just relying on divine guidance].


Hebrews 11:9 By means of doctrine, he sojourned in the land [Canaan] of the promise [Abraham Covenant] as a stranger, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, joint-heirs [three generations of supergrace believers] of the same promise,


Hebrews 11:10 For he himself [Abraham] was waiting with expectation for the city [the New Heavenly Jerusalem] which has foundations [indispensable prerequisites], whose architect and builder is God [the Father].


Hebrews 11:11 By means of doctrine, even Sarah [at age 86], herself barren [unable to bear children], obtained [as a supergrace blessing] the ability for the deposit of semen, even beyond the normal age [the ability to get pregnant had long passed], because she herself regarded the One [God the Father] who had made the promise trustworthy.


Hebrews 11:12 As a matter of fact, they [Abraham’s other descendants] also were born from one and the same source [Abraham’s sperm], (although he was as good as dead [sexually]), as many as the stars of the heaven [heavenly seed: the Church], and as innumerable as the sand [earthly seed: Israel] along the shore of the sea [the world].


Hebrews 11:13 In accordance with doctrine [every man is appointed a time to die], these all [Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob] died [as supergrace believers], not having obtained [in their lifetime] the promises, but instead saw them [through the doctrine in their souls] from a distance [in the future] and welcomed them, meanwhile acknowledging that they were strangers and sojourners upon the earth.


Hebrews 11:14 For the ones [patriarchs] who communicated such things [that they were strangers and sojourners on the earth] made it clear that they were continually seeking for a homeland.


Hebrews 11:15 And, as a matter of fact, if they would have recalled that [place of their origin: Ur of the Chaldees] from which they had come out of [Mesopotamia], then they might have had the opportunity [distraction test] to return [geographic reversionism],


Hebrews 11:16 But now [having some doctrine in their souls] they themselves [the patriarchs] long for something better, that is heavenly [in origin]. Therefore God is not ashamed to be designated their God, with the result that He has prepared a city [the New Heavenly Jerusalem] for them.


Hebrews 11:17 By means of doctrine, Abraham, when he was being tested [to prove his character and his ability to apply doctrine], offered up Isaac, and so, he who had received the promises [Abrahamic Covenant], attempted to offer up [he was stopped in the process by God] his uniquely born one [Isaac was a miracle birth when you consider the old age of his parents]. 


Hebrews 11:18 Toward whom [Abraham] it had been communicated [in Gen. 21:12] that in Isaac your descendant shall be chosen,


Hebrews 11:19 Having calculated [ruminated on the doctrine in his soul] that the powerful God would also raise him from the dead, because of which fact [that Isaac passed through the likeness of death] he also recovered him in the form of a type [portraying the future death and resurrection of Christ].


Hebrews 11:20 By means of doctrine, Isaac blessed Jacob [right hand: covenant blessings] and Esau [left hand: general blessings], even concerning things to come.


Hebrews 11:21 By means of doctrine, Jacob, when he was dying [dying grace], blessed both the sons of Joseph [right hand: covenant blessings to Ephraim, left hand: general blessings to Manasseh], while he worshipped [leaning] over the top of his scepter [staff of authority and rulership].


Hebrews 11:22 By means of doctrine, Joseph, when his end was near [approaching death], remembered the exodus of the sons of Israel, concerning which [historical event] he even gave specific orders regarding his bones [their transportation and burial outside of Egypt].


Hebrews 11:23 By means of doctrine, Moses, after he was born, was hidden [concealed from the Pharoah] for three months by his parents [Amram and Jochebed], because they saw him [a view of the future due to the doctrine in their souls] as a pertaining to the city child [the great deliverer]. Moreover, they were not afraid of the king’s commandment [Thutmose I decreed that all newborn male children be killed].


Hebrews 11:24 By means of doctrine, Moses, after he had become great, refused to be proclaimed the son [heir apparent to the throne of Egypt by adoption] of Pharoah’s daughter [Thermutis],


Hebrews 11:25 Choosing instead to suffer mistreatment with God’s people [the Jewish nation about to be born], than possessing temporary pleasure from sin [fun in the Egyptian court],


Hebrews 11:26 Considering the persecution [disgrace] concerning the Messiah greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he repeatedly focused his attention upon a reward [remunerative justice glorifies God].


Hebrews 11:27 By means of doctrine, he [Moses] abandoned Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king [Thutmose III: Rameses], for he endured [remained steadfast] as long as he kept on seeing the Invisible One [the unseen Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ].


Hebrews 11:28 By means of doctrine, he [Moses] executed [initiated] the Passover [birth of the Jewish nation], even the sprinkling of the blood [on the lintel and doorposts], so that the one [death angel] who destroyed the firstborn [male children] could not touch them [those who were protected by the blood].


Hebrews 11:29 By means of doctrine, they [the Hebrews of the exodus generation] passed through the Red Sea as if across dry land, which when the Egyptians [field army and cavalry] made the attempt, they were overwhelmed by water [drowned].


Hebrews 11:30 By means of doctrine, the walls of Jericho collapsed after they had been encircled [marched around by the Jewish army] for seven days.


Hebrews 11:31 By means of doctrine, Rahab the prostitute, when she received [welcomed as guests] the scouts [reconnaissance spies] peacefully, did not perish with those who did not believe,


Hebrews 11:32 So, what more can I say? For time would fail me [there’s not enough of it on this occasion] if I continued to recount the details about [doctrinal application by] Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, as well as David and Samuel, also the prophets,


Hebrews 11:33 Who through doctrine, conquered kingdoms [enlarged their borders by military action], attained righteousness [supergrace status], obtained promises [supergrace rewards], stopped the jaws of lions [Daniel],


Hebrews 11:34 Neutralized the power of fire [Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego in the furnace], escaped the blades of the two-edged sword, were empowered because of genuine humility [doctrine made them supergrace warriors], became courageous in battle, routed invading armies. 


Hebrews 11:35 Women [the widow of Zarephath and the Shunammite] received their own dead [sons] by means of resuscitation [Elijah and Elisha raised them], and others were tortured [tormented and raped], not accepting a release [deliverance in exchange for betraying friends and loved ones], so that they might attain better [supergrace blessings] after resurrection;


Hebrews 11:36 Moreover, others received a trial [severe test] accompanied by derisive torture [verbal mocking and scorn] and scourgings [physical whipping], as a matter of fact, even shackles and imprisonment.


Hebrews 11:37 They [martyrs] were stoned [like Jeremiah], sawed in half [like Isaiah], murdered by execution with a two-edged sword [like the governor of Jerusalem]; they wandered from place to place [isolated from civilization] in sheepskins, in the skins of goats, because they were destitute [lacking food, clothing, shelter], afflicted [mental stress and pressure], tormented [physically mistreated],


Hebrews 11:38 (concerning whom the world was not worthy), while they were being led about [like lost sheep being hunted by wolves] upon deserts and mountains and in hideouts [caves] and holes [crevices] of the earth.


Hebrews 11:39 And so, all these people [OT heroes], who obtained a good report [high spiritual approval rating] because of doctrine [they attained supergrace], did not obtain the promise [they received supergrace blessings in time, but not the blessings reserved for the millennium],


Hebrews 11:40 Because something [peculiar to the Church Age dispensation] better [baptism, indwelling & filling of the Holy Spirit] was provided by God for us [Church Age believers], so that without us they [OT saints] could not be made complete [God would not allow them to obtain their millennial rewards before we meet them after the rapture].


Hebrews 12:1 For this very reason [anticipation of rewards], we [Church Age believers] also, since we have such a great host of witnesses [OT supergrace heroes] surrounding us, having rid ourselves [rebound and keep moving] of every impediment and category of sin [mental, verbal, overt] which easily distracts, should keep on exerting ourselves to advance [forward momentum] with perseverance with reference to the struggle [application of doctrine according to precisely correct protocol] which has been set before us [goal or objective of the spiritual life],


Hebrews 12:2 By continually concentrating on [occupation with] Jesus, our Originator [positional truth] and Maturer [experiential truth] by means of doctrine [He accomplished our justification-salvation and pioneered the protocol plan of God for our sanctification-salvation], Who instead of the inner happiness which was present in Him [joy and contentment by utilizing the prototype divine system], endured the cross, disregarding the shame [coming into contact with our sins and being judged by the Father], and then [after His death, resurrection and ascension] sat down at the right hand [place of honor] of the throne of God [session].


Hebrews 12:3 By all means, consider the One [Jesus Christ in His humanity] Who endured [by utilizing the doctrine in His soul] such hostility against Himself from sinners [pressure from the opposition], so that when you become faint [weary and despondent from living in the cosmic system], you might not become exhausted in your souls [the fatigue of reversionism].


Hebrews 12:4 You [believers in Jerusalem in 67 A.D.] have not yet resisted to the point of blood [wounded in spiritual battle] as you continue the struggle against the sin nature. 


Hebrews 12:5 And so, you have completely forgotten the point of doctrine [principle] which was taught to you as sons [in Proverbs 3:11-12]: My son, stop rejecting corrective discipline [child training] from the Lord, nor become weary [discouraged & fatigued] when you are disciplined by Him,


Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord loves [positive believers with spiritual momentum], He disciplines [corrective measures]; moreover, He scourges [intensive discipline] every son whom He accepts [reversionistic believer].


Hebrews 12:7 Keep on enduring in the face of corrective discipline; God will deal with you as sons [fair treatment from the Supreme Court of Heaven], for what kind of son is he whom the Father does not discipline?


Hebrews 12:8 In fact, if you are without discipline, concerning which we [members of the royal family] have all been repeatedly participants, then you are bastards [unbelievers] and not sons [members of the royal family of God]. 


Hebrews 12:9 Furthermore, on the one hand, we had parents [fathers] with reference to our flesh [human], strict disciplinarians, and we were respectful; on the other hand, should we not to a much greater degree be under the authority of our Father with reference to our spirits, and keep on living [a spiritual life with positive momentum]?


Hebrews 12:10 Moreover, on the one hand, they [our parents] tried to discipline us [their children] according to the standard which was customarily recognized [they did the best they could] for a few days [during childhood]; on the other hand, He [God the Father] on the basis of that [divine disciplinary standard] which would confer a benefit [advantageous to us], so that we [as supergrace believers] might receive a share in His divine character [holiness & integrity].


Hebrews 12:11 Therefore, to be sure, each child does not consider the advantageous thing [corrective discipline] which is happening [in progress] to be pleasant, but rather grievous. Nevertheless, afterwards [after reversion recovery], it yields a prosperous gain of righteousness [resumption of momentum in the spiritual life] to those who have been repeatedly trained by it [positive believers].


Hebrews 12:12 Therefore, restore strength [reversion recovery] to hands which are drooping [lack of spiritual exercise] and knees which are feeble [spiritually disabled],


Hebrews 12:13 And keep following straight wheel tracks [well-worn spiritual path] with your feet [spiritual momentum], so that a sprain [crippled spiritual life] may not become a complete dislocation [advanced stages of reversionism], but rather be restored [reversion recovery].


Hebrews 12:14 Keep pursuing after [advancing towards] every category of prosperity [stage of spiritual growth] that is according to the norms and standards of the spiritual life [within the boundary of God’s protocol], apart from which [pursuit] no one shall understand the Lord [spiritual perception],


Hebrews 12:15 Taking care [personal responsibility], so that no one falls short of [fails to reach] the grace benefits from God [escrow blessings on the road to glory], so that no root of bitterness ever springs up [name the sin, isolate it, and forget it] causing trouble and many [in the periphery] become defiled because of it [cursing by association],


Hebrews 12:16 That there be no sexually immoral person or irreligious person, like Esau, who in exchange for one meal [frantic search for happiness], sold his own right of primogeniture [birthright of the 1st born son].


Hebrews 12:17 For you know that afterwards [too late], even though he kept on desiring to inherit the blessing [he thought Isaac would change his mind], he was rejected; indeed, neither did he find the possibility for a change of mind [it was a done deal], although he sought it [with great sincerity] with tears [big crybaby].


Hebrews 12:18 By all means, you have not approached [at Mount Sinai] that which can be touched [such as the Commandments in stone], nor burned by fire [which came out of Mount Sinai], nor to thick darkness [corrective discipline], even unto blackness [intensive discipline], nor to the whirlwind [sin unto death],


Hebrews 12:19 Nor the blast of a trumpet [which announced the giving of the law], nor the declaration of words [each commandment was shouted to the people], which they [those who were present at Mount Sinai] who heard, begged that the word [voice of God enunciating the commandments] be nolonger spoken to them,


Hebrews 12:20 Because they could no longer endure that [Mosaic Law] which was being commanded: And if so much as an animal begins to touch the mountain, it shall be stoned to death.


Hebrews 12:21 In fact, that [Mount Sinai] which was made visible was so frightening, that Moses said: I was terrified and trembling.


Hebrews 12:22 But you are approaching Mount Sion [representing grace, as opposed to the law at Mount Sinai], even to the city of the living God, the heavenly [as opposed to earthly] Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels at a festive gathering,


Hebrews 12:23 And to the assembly of the first-born ones [Church Age believers get their resurrection bodies first], who have been recorded in the heavens [registered as members of the royal family], and to God [the Father], the Judge over all [humans and angels], and to the spirits of justified ones who have been completed [OT believers in heaven waiting for their resurrection bodies],


Hebrews 12:24 And to the Mediator [God is propitiated toward men and men are reconciled to God] of a new covenant, Jesus, and to the blood [representative analogy for the spiritual death of Christ] of sprinkling [looking back to the Holy of Holies] which communicates better things than Abel [his sacrifice].


Hebrews 12:25 Keep on making sure [with a watchful eye] that you do not turn away from the One [Jesus Christ] who continues to communicate [He spoke the commandments at Sinai, He speaks today through His Word, and He will speak again during the Millennium], for if those [at Mount Sinai] who turned away did not escape from the One [Jesus Christ] who spoke upon the earth, to a greater degree we [members of the royal family] who have turned away from communication from the heavens [rejected Bible doctrine],


Hebrews 12:26 Whose voice [Jesus Christ] then [at Mount Sinai] shook the earth [there was a literal earthquake as well as His words shaking their souls], but now He Himself has promised [in Haggai 2:6], saying: Once more [during the tribulation] I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.


Hebrews 12:27 Moreover, this [promise concerning the baptism of fire] once again indicates the removal [transformation] of those things [heaven and earth] which can be shaken [human good, dead works], in the same manner as when they were created, so that those things [new heavens and new earth] which cannot be shaken may remain [divine good receives rewards].


Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we [Church Age believers] have obtained an immovable royal power [sphere of divine power], let us keep on obtaining grace [striving to live the spiritual life by precisely correct protocol], by means of which [residence and function inside the sphere of royal power] we may keep on serving God in an acceptable manner, with reverence [occupation with Christ] and awe [fellowship with the Father],


Hebrews 12:29 For our God is in fact a consuming fire [divine justice condemns human good and burns it at the Judgment Seat of Christ].


Hebrews 13:1 Let brother-love [Christian] continue.


Hebrews 13:2 Stop neglecting hospitality [to fellow believers], because by this, some have unknowingly entertained angels.


Hebrews 13:3 Keep remembering [by intercessory prayer] prisoners [who have been jailed for the stand for Christ] as though you were fellow prisoners, and those who suffer adversity [around A.D. 67] as being yourselves in the body.


Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in every way and the marriage-bed [sex life] should remain undefiled, for God will punish sexually immoral persons [illicit premarital sex] and adulterers [illicit postmarital sex].


Hebrews 13:5 Maintain a way of life [pattern of thinking] without the love of money [greed], being content with the things [and people] which are at your disposal, (for He Himself said in the past with the result that it stands written today [in Joshua 1:5]: I will never ever abandon nor desert you [divine faithfulness]),


Hebrews 13:6 So that we [supergrace believers] can say with confidence [quoting Psalm 118:6]: The Lord is my helper, therefore I will not fear what man may do to me.


Hebrews 13:7 Keep remembering those [pastors & teachers] who lead you [by authoritative teaching], who by their nature [the quality of their spiritual office] have communicated the Word of God to you [consistent Bible teaching], whose doctrine should be continually emulated [application], after considering the issue of their way of life [examining his spiritual priorities].


Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same [immutability]: yesterday [prior dispensations] and today [during the Church Age] and unto the ages [all future dispensations].


Hebrews 13:9 Stop being carried away [they have been seduced into reversionism] with ambiguous [deceitful] and strange [new age] teachings, for it is a good thing for the mentality of the soul to be established [stabilized] with grace teaching [doctrines of grace], not with filth [rotten food], in which no one has received profit [spiritual benefit] by walking in. 


Hebrews 13:10 We [royal priesthood of Church Age believers] have an altar [the throne of grace] from which they [the Levitical priesthood] who serve the tabernacle have no authorization [right] to partake.


Hebrews 13:11 For the carcasses of those animals, whose blood [representing the spiritual death of Christ] is carried into the Holies by the high priest on behalf of sin, are burned [representing the physical death of Christ on the cross] outside the camp.


Hebrews 13:12 For this reason, Jesus also [in the same manner as the animal sacrifices], so that He might sanctify His people by means of His own blood [representative analogy for His spiritual death on the cross], suffered [crucifixion] outside the city gate [as was the custom]. 


Hebrews 13:13 So, let us meet face-to-face with Him outside outside the camp [separation from organized religion], enduring His reproach [insults & persecution],


Hebrews 13:14 For here [on earth], we have no city for continuous living, but we continually seek after the one [the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem] which is destined to come.


Hebrews 13:15 Therefore, let us keep on offering a spiritual sacrifice [function of the royal priesthood] of praise [appreciation of Christ expressed from the altar of Bible doctrine in your soul] to God [the Father] through Him [Jesus Christ] through everything [every occasion], this [sacrificial praise] being fruit from lips which make it a practice to acknowledge His Name [occupation with Christ].


Hebrews 13:16 Moreover, do not neglect honorable service [the believer’s ambassadorship function] and fellowship [communion with the Trinity], for God is well-pleased with such spiritual sacrifices. 


Hebrews 13:17 Keep on putting your trust in [academic discipline] those [pastors & teachers] who lead [train] you and make it a habit to submit to their authority [in the local assembly], because they keep continual watch over your souls, as one who will render an account [at the Evaluation Seat of Christ], so that they might do this with inner happiness [knowing that  you have grown to spiritual maturity] and not by means of groaning [because you are in reversionism], for this [sorry spiritual state] is unprofitable [disastrous] for you. 


Hebrews 13:18 Keep on praying for us [intercessory], for we have been convinced that we should by necessity [because we are teachers] possess a good conscience [according to divine norms and standards], desiring to conduct ourselves appropriately [with integrity] in all things. 


Hebrews 13:19 Moreover, I encourage you all the more to start doing this [intercessory prayer], so that I might be restored to you [in Jerusalem] without delay.


Hebrews 13:20 Now, may the God [the Father] of prosperity [spiritual blessings], Who brought our Lord Jesus out from deaths [both spiritual and physical], (the Great Shepherd of His sheep with the blood [representative analogy for the spiritual death of Christ] of the eternal covenant [between God the Father and Jesus Christ, not between God and man]), 


Hebrews 13:21 Bring you to spiritual maturity so that you may execute His [the Father’s] will in all good things [meeting divine standards in both priesthood and ambassadorship functions], continually executing a satisfactory thing [according to divine standards] before Him [the Father] in us through Jesus Christ, to Whom [Jesus Christ] be glory unto the ages of the ages [eternity future]. Acknowledge it.


Hebrews 13:22 Furthermore, I keep urging you brethren: Be listening willingly to this treatise [doctrine] on exhortation [experiential sanctification], in as much as I have instructed you through a few words [brief letter].


Hebrews 13:23 You must [probably] know our brother, Timothy, who has been released [freed from a Roman prison], with whom, if he arrives without delay [in the unknown Italian city where Paul is residing], I will see you [depends on whether Timothy gets there before Paul has to leave].


Hebrews 13:24 Salute [pay your respects to] all those [pastors and teachers] who rule over [guide] you, also all the saints. Those from Italy salute you [mutual respect].


Hebrews 13:25 Grace be with you all.





Epistle to the Hebrews, Oliver B. Greene, 1970, The Gospel Hour Inc.


Hebrews, Simon J. Kistemaker, New Testament Commentary, 2007, Baker Academic


Commentary on Hebrews, Matthew Henry, 2001, Hendrickson Publishers


Hebrews: Word Pictures in the NT, A.T. Robertson, 1931, Baker Book House


Hebrews, John Calvin, 2003, Baker Books


Hebrews: Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Leon Morris, 1981, Zondervan Publishing


Hebrews: Word Studies in the NT, Marvin R. Vincent, 1980, Charles Scribner’s Sons


Hebrews, Richard C. Lenski, 1937, Augsburg Fortress Publishing


Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians, Ben Witherington III, 2007, IVP Academic


Hebrews, A.E. Knoch, 1968, Concordant Publishing Concern


Hebrews: The New Interpreter’s Bible, Fred B. Craddock, 1998, Abingdon Press


The Epistle to the Hebrews, F.F. Bruce, 1964, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


Hebrews: Through the Bible, J. Vernon McGee, 1983, Thomas Nelson Publishers


Hebrews: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Zane C. Hodges, 1983, Chariot Victor Publishing


Hebrews: NIGTC, Paul Ellingworth, 2000, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


Hebrews, W. Robertson Nicoll, The Expositor’s Greek Testament, 2002, Hendrickson’s Publishers


A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, Philip Edgcumbe Hughes, 1977, Wm. B. Eerdmands Publishing


Hebrews: Bible Commentary, Jamieson, Fausset, Brown, 2002, Hendrickson Publishers


Into the Holiest: Simple Studies in Hebrews, William L. Pettingill, 1939, Fundamental Truth Publishers


Faith That Endures: A Practical Commentary on the Book of Hebrews, J. Dwight Pentecost, 2000, Kregel Publications


Four Views on the Warning Passages in Hebrews, Herbert W. Bateman IV, Randall C. Gleason, 2007, Kregel Academic & Professional


Commentary on Hebrews, William Gouge, 1980, Kregel Publications


Hebrews, M.R. DeHaan, 1966, Zondervan Publishing House


The Epistle to the Hebrews, Franz Delitzsch, 1978, Klock & Klock Christian Publishers


Hebrews: Tyndale NT Commentaries, Donald Guthrie, 1993, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


The Epistle to the Hebrews, Brooke Foss Wescott, 1977, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


Exposition of Hebrews, Arthur W. Pink, 1968, Baker Book House


Hebrews Verse by Verse, William R. Newell, 1947, Moody Press

The Holiest of All: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Andrew Murray, 20th printing, Fleming H. Revell Company


Predestination, Gordon H. Clark, 1978, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company


Hebrews: Word Meanings in the New Testament, Ralph Earle, 1984, Baker Book House


Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews, E. Schyler English, 1976, Loizeaux Brothers


Hebrews, Gerald F. Hawthorne, 1979, Zondervan


Hebrews, B. Barmby, C. Jerdan, W. Jones, C. New, D. Young, J.S. Bright, The Pulpit Commentary, 1962, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


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Hebrews, A.M Stibbs, 1975, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.


The Divine Outline of History, Tapes on 2 Peter, Christian Integrity, Christian Suffering, The Integrity of God, Reversionism, Freedom Through Military Victory, The Divine Outline of History, Levitical Offerings, R.B. Thieme, Jr., 1989, Berachah Church Houston, TX


Despising Shame: Honor Discourse and Community Maintenance in the Epistle to the Hebrews, David Arthur deSilva, 1995, SBL Dissertation Series 152, Scholars Press


Going Outside the Camp: The Sociological Function of the Levitical Critique in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Richard W. Johnson, 2001, Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 209


The Structure of Hebrews: A Text-Linguistic Analysis, George H. Guthrie, 1998, Baker Books


Hebrews, Donald A. Hagner, 1993, Hendrickson Publishers


Hebrews, John MacArthur, 1983, Moody Press


The Epistle to the Hebrews, L.D. Hurst, 2005, Cambridge University Press


Understanding the Book of Hebrews, Kenneth Schenck, 2003, Westminster John Knox Press


Rest as a Theological Metaphor in the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Gospel of Truth Early Christian Homiletics of Rest, J.H. Wray, 1998, Society of Biblical Literature, Scholars Press


The Epistle to the Hebrews, Adolph Saphir, Zondervan Publishing


Hebrews, W.H. Griffith Thomas, 1977, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


Hebrews, James Moffatt, 1986, Edinburgh T&T Clark Limited


Hebrews, H.T. Andrews, Abingdon Bible Commentary, 1957, Doubleday & Company


Lectures on Hebrews, Joseph A. Seiss, 1954, Baker Book House


Hebrews: The Epistle of Warning, John Owen, 1968, Kregel Publications


The Reign of the Servant Kings, Joseph C. Dillow, 1992, Schoettle Publishing Company


The Great Cloud of Witnesses: Hebrews 11, E.W. Bullinger, 1956, The Lamp Press Ltd


Types in Hebrews, Sir Robert Anderson, 1978, Kregel Publications


Perseverance in Gratitude: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, David A. deSilva, 2000, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


Once Saved, Always Saved, R.T. Kendall, 1985, Moody Press


Christian Theology, Millard J. Erickson, 1985, Baker Book House


Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, 1982, C.I. Scofield, Zondervan Books


The Pleasures of God, John Piper, 2000, Multnomah Publishers


Death and the Afterlife, Robert A. Morey, 1984, Bethany House Publishers


Millennialism: The Two Major Views, Charles L. Feinberg, 1982, Moody Press


The Cross in the New Testament, Leon Morris, 1965, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


Major Bible Themes, L. Chafer & J. Walvoord, 1974, Zondervan Books


The Sovereignty of Grace, Arthur C. Custance, 1979, Baker Book House


Sin, The Savior, and Salvation, Robert P. Lightner, 1991, Thomas Nelson Publishers


How To Enjoy the Bible, E.W. Bullinger, 1990, Kregel Publications


The Atonement, Gordon H. Clark, 1996, The Trinity Foundation


Biblical Demonology, Merrill F. Unger, 1994, Kregel Publications


The Doctrines of Grace, James M. Boice, Philip G. Ryken, 2002, Crossway Books


Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, F.H. Scrivener


Perfection or Perdition: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Charles H. Welch, 1998, Berean Publishing Trust


The Epistle to the Hebrews, G.H. Lang, 1985, Schoettle Publishing Company Hebrews: Word Biblical Commentary, William L. Lane, 1991, Word Publishers


Whatever Happened to the Reformation, Gary L.W. Johnson & R. Fowler White, 2001, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing


By His Grace and For His Glory, Thomas J. Nettles, 1996, Baker Book House


The Faith of Jesus Christ, Richard B. Hays, 2002, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


The Potter’s Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler’s Chosen But Free, James R. White, 2000, Calvary Press Publishing


Still Sovereign, Thomas R. Schreiner & Bruce A. Ware, Wayne Grudem, 2000, Baker Books


Balancing the Christian Life, Charles C. Ryrie, 1969, Moody Press


Redemption Accomplished and Applied, John Murray, 1980, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


The Holy Spirit, Arthur W. Pink, 1980, Baker Book House


Systematic Theology, Louis Berkof, 1981, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing


An Exposition of Hebrews, John Owen, 4 volumes, 1969, The National Foundation for Christian Education


The Writer to the Hebrews: A Pioneer in Postmodern Evangelical Hermeneutics? Or Rediscovering Vulgar Interpretation, James B. DeYoung, 1997, Evangelical Theological Society


Divine Meaning of Scripture, V. Poythress, 1986, WTJ


Harmony With God: A Fresh Look at Repentance, Zane C. Hodges, 2001, Redencion Viva


The Coming Millennial Kingdom, Donald K. Campbell & Jeffrey L. Townsend, 1997, Kregel Publications


The Gospel Under Siege: Faith and Works in Tension, Zane Hodges, 1992,Redencion Viva


Kingdom Studies, Entrance Ino the Kingdom, Robert Govett, 1989, Schoettle Publishing


Judgment Seat of Christ, Arlen L. Chitwood, 1986, The Lamp Broadcast


Your Eternal Reward: Triumph and Tears at the Judgment Seat of Christ, Erwin W. Lutzer, 1998, Moody Press


Beyond the Obvious: Discover the Deeper Meaning of Scripture, J. DeYoung & S. Hurty, 1995, Vision House Publishing


Epistle to the Hebrews, Adolph Saphir, 1902, Gospel Publishing House


The Lord’s Freedman: The Dynamic Message of Paul, Keith W. Lamb, 1995, Treasure House: Destiny Image Publishers


Christ Superior to Angels, Moses, and Aaron: A Comment on the Epistle to the Hebrews, Robert Govett, 1884, James Nisbet & Company


Notes From Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews; Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews; Brief Analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews in Connection with the Priesthood of Christ: With Reply to Some Tracts on the Latter Subjects; The Aaronic and Melchisedec Priesthood; The Melchisedec Priesthood of Christ; John Nelson Darby, Stem Publishing


Hebrews, Buchanan


Rest and Redemption, Neils-Erik Andreasen, 1978, Berrien Springs


Jesus’ Superiority Over Moses in Hebrews 3:1-6, Brett R. Scott, 1998, BibSac


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The Typology of Scripture, Patrick Fairbairn, 1900, New York & London


Desiring God, John Piper, 1996, Multnomah Books


Grace: The Glorious Theme, Lewis S. Chafer, 2002, Academie Books: Zondervan


The Holy Spirit in Your Teaching, Roy B. Zuck, 1984, Victor Books


The Old Testament Background of Rest in Hebrews 3:7-4:11, Randall C. Gleason, 2000, Bibliotheca Sacra


The Levitical Offerings, Harry A. Ironside, 1979, Loizeaux Brothers


Salvation, Earl D. Radmacher, 2000, Word Publishing


The Glory of the Atonement, Simon Kistemaker, James I. Packer, 2004, InterVarsity Press


Why I Am Not An Arminian, Robert A. Peterson, Michael D. Willams, 2004, InterVarsity Press


But If It Yields Thorns and Thistles: An Exposition of Hebrews 5:11-6:12, J. Paul Tanner, 2001, Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, Amman Jordan


Apostasy As A Motif and Its Effect on the Structure of Hebrews, George E. Rice, 1985, Andrews University Press


Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews, George Henderson, B. McCall Barbour


Fidelity to God: Perseverance in Hebrews in Light of the Reciprocity Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean World, Jason Whitlark, 2006, PhD Dissertation: Baylor University


The Epistle to the Hebrews, Cornelius R. Stam, 1991, Berean Literature Foundation


From Shadow to Substance, Roy Hession, 1977, Christian Literature Crusade


Real Baptism: Religious Ritual or Spiritual Reality? Charles F. Baker, 1991, Grace Publications, Inc.


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